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Facebook Privacy Vulnerability Create Private Messages from Anyone worth 700$ for FREE!!!!!
What you will need ???
2 Facebook username of victim2 who will receive message from victim1.
To get that just go to Victim2 facebook profile
Hence we can determine his fb inbox that will be victim2@facebook.com
Test FOr : http://adf.ly/Om74P
Download For Script : http://adf.ly/Oo7sK

Now how it works -
According to fb if you mail a person on his @facebook.com id the message
goes to his inbox, but we want that a particular victim should send message
so we spoof the email of that victim1.
It goes like
victim1@gmail.com sends mail to victim2@facebook.com
and the message goes in to inbox of victim2 as if its send by victim oneref;minsoeyarsar
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